Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"The Jerk" still at large

So as it turns out Mladic is still on the loose. The Court was buzzing with the news of his potential capture, not only because people around here are naturally interested in that kind of thing, but also because it would probably mean a large increase in cases transferred from the ICTY as the Hague assumes the immense workload of trying Mladic (Milosevic recently celebrated his 4th straight year on trial).

Alas, the Butcher of Bosnia is still at large, rumoured to be surrounded by at least 50 well-trained soldiers and protected and nourished by allies within the Serbian government and military. The "hunt" continues, though it is more of a waiting game to see when Belgrade decides it can no longer afford to shelter him. And so, just another day of disappointment in Bosnia.


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